Monday, October 20, 2014

Why Character is Important

Good character is built upon sound moral principles. The concept of character can imply a variety of personal attributes including the existence or lack of ethical principles such as honesty, courage, fortitude, loyalty, or sincerity. Character describes a set of virtues or qualities that distinguishes one person from another given varying situations that "test" the parameters of an individual's behavior.

Personal success and achievement is predicated upon the foundation of character, and character is often the result of choices we make that effectively define who we are during a given situation. If a good character-based decision-making process is not present, we'll likely know it from the moment we make a decision that is incongruent with the kind of character that is inconsistent with the foundational principles of success and achievement. Good character can literally help transform us from who we are into whom we wish to become.

Character is the culmination of learned traits. It's not something we're born with. It is something we must take full responsibility for creating. We build character by the standards we uphold, given the varying circumstances we find ourselves in during our lives, no matter what. The character traits we adopt is a personal choice that reflects outwardly inasmuch as it reflects inwardly. In other words, our character is evident to others inasmuch as it is to us. Our character traits are distinguishable between and among us all.

Our character defines who we are and sets the moral standards we uphold as the model for our lives. We build character from certain qualities that we must adopt and instill within ourselves. An honest introspection is typically in order as we face new decisions that require us to form new character traits. Much like the careful nurturing of our mind, body, and spirit, we must also be careful to nurture the qualities we desire to uphold as we form new character traits that define who we are and whom we wish to become.

The really amazing thing about character is that if we're sincerely committed to transforming ourselves into the person we wish to become, we'll not only create those good character qualities, but we'll also strengthen them and re-chart the very course of our lives.

Commit to building your character, starting today. Be mindful of the manner in which you react to given situations while keeping in mind that the manner in which you act or react defines who you are as well as who you wish to become.

Until next time!


"Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you."

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