I'm going to share with you one of the most powerful messages I've ever discovered. It made me believe that anything is possible and that whatever success I want to achieve I indeed could achieve it. It would not be without hard work and commitment, but the concept was simple. And I instantly knew it to be true.
They called it a secret. In fact it was literally called "the greatest secret in the world." And that secret is this: The key to success is that you only need to be a small, measurable amount better than mediocrity to be successful.
Wrap your mind around that for just a second. Could that really be true? In its simplest form, it is. You see, most people happily accept mediocrity. Oh sure, some people will tell you how much they desire to get to the top, but their actions and choices reveal an entirely different version of the words they convey. Invariably, these people give up on the meaningful things they hope to accomplish because of the mediocrity they choose to accept. I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.
OK, so how do we become better and rise above mediocrity? A good place to start is by redefining how we measure ourselves against mediocrity. The term mediocrity can be simply described as the best of the worst and the worst of the best. In other words, it is the equivalent of the status quo—a position or attitude whereby risk is avoided and comfort is essential.
If you are risk averse it doesn't mean you'll never succeed. If your goals and ambitions don't compel you to set aside comfort (or the latest TV show, video game, or distraction) for the sake of your goals it doesn't mean you're a loser. It simply means you're not ready to do what it takes to reach the top. But when you are, these aspects of life must be reconsidered in order to begin to see results.
Are you acting on your desire to reach the top, to become something more, or to achieve an objective? Are you taking action to be even slightly more than mediocre? You already intuitively know what it takes to succeed. To discover the drive within you should find out what it is you are passionate about and act upon it. Does your desire for success compel you more than your desire for acceptance and the status quo? Are you learning at least one new concept or lesson that will propel you beyond mediocrity? Are you using time wisely? How are your actions measured against what you know to be average compared to what you know to be better than average?
Are your goals and objectives clearly defined? This is very important because if you don't know where you're going you will never know when you have arrived. Worse yet, you may never get there without an accurate description of your objective or goal. Have you defined "the top" against your own desires and standards? If you're defining your goals against the standards of others then you are missing the mark and will likely fail.
Are you passionate about your goals? If so, you're well on your way to achieving them. Passion is the catalyst for action. It is the essential ingredient that will help you continue your quest to achieve despite circumstances or obstacles. Passion is what keeps people going when others quit and accept mediocrity. Find something to be passionate about and you will have discovered the secret to success and, more importantly, happiness.

Master the right skills. Average skills will get you to the middle. Extraordinary skills will get you to the top! Are you proficient in the skills you need to reach the top? If so, you must continue to nurture those skills. If not, you must acquire them. Seek wisdom, knowledge, and abilities that support your passion and you will become a measure better each and every day you make the effort. Your collective improvements will begin to compound and ultimately put you in a category far beyond ordinary and into one that will be extraordinary!
Last, treat people with dignity and respect. No one knows everything but everyone knows something. You cannot get to the top without the help and/or support of others. If you think otherwise, try being a jerk and see how far that gets you. Treating people with respect and dignity will pay huge dividends in winning the hearts and minds of those who may end up helping you to reach the top. We all rely on the expertise of someone who has knowledge or skills we need in order to succeed, whether that expertise comes in the form of a product or service or mentoring or consultation. Never forget that you must be able to work well with others.
You can escape the bonds of mediocrity and realize your ultimate potential if you're willing to look at things differently and begin to take small measured steps to be better today than you were yesterday. It's not as complicated as it may seem.
Until next time!
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve you get even less than what you settle for."
~ Unknown
We're proud to announce Gary's next book, set to be released this summer. FEAR is a Thief is the first in a self-empowerment series that is written to help people get past fear using five fundamental truths as a basis for understanding and taking action for a better life.
Also be sure to check out: KEY HORIZON, the second novel in the G. Weston spy series. This thriller is receiving rave reviews across the spectrum and has captivated a new following of "spy-fi" readers.
Get your copy of Westfal's first novel Dream Operative.
Order your copy of these exciting novels today at Amazon.com.
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