You've seen it written many times in this blog and may have even heard it countless times through other sources...
Our lives are largely determined by the choices we make.
Makes sense, right?
The fact that our decisions play such a pivotal role in shaping our lives isn't all that difficult of a concept to accept if you really think about it. But here's an often overlooked aspect to the power of choice that's just as instrumental in charting the course and construct of our lives...
The company we keep, or more aptly stated, the people with whom we decide to associate, can have a profound effect on the kind life we lead.
The people we (choose to) associate with have more of an influence on the direction and construct of our life than most of us realize or readily recognize. Associate or align yourself with the right person, group, or relationship and your life is positively influenced through challenge, commonality, encouragement, compassion and creativity. Make the wrong choice however, and just the opposite will inevitably occur. And make no mistake, we have the power of choice when it comes to whom we associate other words, we choose our friends and relationships, they don't choose us.

When it comes to choosing positive relationships, we should keep the following points in mind:
Choose positive influencers - "As iron shapes iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17) The right person or relationship builds upon the strengths you inherently possess. This type of relationship should sharpen you, encourage you, motivate you, and better you. It should be additive in value and should never be a source of frustration, fear, or consternation.
Choose compassionate people - Is your partner or friend a source you can rely on when you're psychologically, physically, or spiritually drained? Will they listen to you compassionately as they help you find the answers that inherently lie within you? Are they a source of positive energy and genuine joy? These kinds of relationships will do more to help you stay on track without derailing your desires to become all you can become.
Choose acceptance-minded people - The best relationships occur between people who allow each other to be "real" and accept each other for whom they are as well as whom they are yet to become. There's a lot to be said about the value of a friend who understands and accepts you, complete with your imperfections, when you need them most. "A real friend loves at all times." (Proverbs 17:17)
Choose centered people - Centered people are not "self-centered"; they are centered and well-grounded and confident with themselves. They are not in relationships to compete or compare. Centered people are honest and unselfish. They know how to communicate on a level that is both meaningful and influential. These people have earned your trust and respect and are able to help you through positive feedback and helpful guidance.
The best relationships should be ones that add value to your life and contain some or most of the above qualities. You have the power to define that. You have the power to remain in bad relationships inasmuch as you do to escape them and establish better, more loving or meaningful ones. Don't allow fear to keep you tied to relationships that are counterproductive to living a successful, happy life.
The greatest power we possess is the power of choice. You have the power to shape your life through the choices you make and the relationships you keep.
Choose wisely.
Until next time!
"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you will know exactly what to do." ~Michelle Ventor
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