Saturday, August 2, 2014

How Do We get From Here to There?

How do we get from here to there?  Where exactly is “there” anyway? If you’ve ever wondered how some people just seem to have a knack for having more in life, you’re not alone.

It’s not inherently wrong to desire more. We can’t help it actually. We’re naturally programmed toward “more” as a basic tenet of our survival instinct. If this is true then why are we consistently met with obstacles in our pursuit of more? One of the least obvious reasons is that we haven’t given ourselves permission. Oh sure, we may “think” we’re ready. After all, who among us isn’t ready to handle a boatload of lottery winnings for example?

Answer: Most every one of us.
Reason: Our limited programming is almost always in the way.

It’s an accepted fact that our subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination. Think of the many times you watched a movie. How many times were your emotions stirred, your fears ignited or your adrenaline spiked as a result of watching the scenes play out? The proof of our psychological and physiological reactions to a movie is the proof of the power of our subconscious mind over our conscious mind.

It does not know the difference between real and imagined because there are no filters at the subconscious level. It simply reacts according to the stimulus it is exposed to because everything it is exposed to is believed to be real. You can use this fact to your advantage in your personal development efforts.
In order to affect change in your own life you must begin to play your own movie by visualizing the changes you desire. Begin by incorporating as many of the five senses as you can into your visualizations. The more vivid your visualizations, the better your results will be. I hear many achievement experts talking about creating a burning desire. I believe a burning desire is a basic element of creating an effective and convincing visualization and is essential in keeping us on track to achieving more. This is the first step toward reprogramming your mind for real and lasting change. The more you fight for a belief, the more you own it.
It has been said that the subconscious mind is five times more powerful than the conscious mind. Yet very few people are even aware of the power they have to control the direction of their lives using their own conscious thoughts (think choices and decisions), let alone the potential that exists in the subconscious mind.
Remember, you can AFFECT more as you BECOME more. Your sphere of influence is increased commensurately as your limited thinking is decreased. The only way it’s going to decrease however, is if you take control of your thoughts and actions and redirect them in a manner that supports your desire to achieve more.  
Our thoughts send energy outward from ourselves into the universe toward what I call “the Source.” The Source is that which we originated from and that which we truly are. It is our wisdom connection. Some may choose to believe that the Source is God, while others believe it is a collective of human consciousness. However you personally decide to believe is up to you as long as you understand there is a higher power that is ready and willing to facilitate your every desire. I know because I live it and experience it daily. You already have the knowledge you need. You can choose to change any aspect of your life that you desire at any time. You can even go for a total makeover if that’s your desire. The only limitation is your own limited thinking telling you that change is not possible.
We’ve been taught throughout our lives that our best form of learning is through experience, sometimes painful experiences. What if I told you there was a different way, a better and an even faster way? What if you could learn with grace and ease without chaos and confusion? Remember, you already have the answers within.
You are the sum total of the decisions and choices you’ve made to this very point in your life. The “circumstances” you find yourself in right now are the collective result of how you see your life. But we must remember that we are not defined by our circumstances, rather by our attitude in those circumstances and our resolve to change them. For some of us, that’s a good thing as we’ve manifested good things by the decisions and choices we’ve made in our lives. These decisions and choices manifest our circumstances and affect the very manner we see and experience life. We demonstrate our own reality to ourselves every day of our life. If we have sadness, poor health, lack or deficiency in our finances, we tend to adopt this perspective and begin to consider it our reality. The reason we create this reality is that we’re good people doing the wrong thing for the right reason. The right reason is that we want to be loved and to perpetuate good. The wrong thing, fortunately, is rather simple to fix.
It’s time for you to WAKE UP to the fact that YOU are the creator of your own experience. That’s powerful enough for you to read it again. You have the ability to create your own experiences. And today, I’m here to tell you how to do that. You can touch, feel, taste, and experience anything you desire. In fact, if it’s a desire, it’s already meant for you. You could go so far as to say, it’s your destiny. You just have to acknowledge it and step out of the way and allow it to perpetuate, materialize, and manifest itself. The truth is that you only need to change one person in your life to improve your life: yourself.
In order to connect to the Source you must program your subconscious mind to accept your conscious thoughts. You must get out of your own way in order to bring about the very changes you seek. Your inherent biases must be effectively dealt with and set aside in order to fully manifest your desires. You must SHIFT the energy of acceptance by removing doubt, fear, and uncertainty. You deserve more.
We’re told to avoid negative thinking “at all costs.” I take that lesson pretty seriously in my own life. However, it’s OK to engage your negative thinking in order to affectively eliminate it. These limiting thoughts are in the way of your desires so they must be dealt with in order to make room for new things that are on their way to you the second you begin to visualize your desires.
Here are some real steps you can take TODAY to affect change in your life, to empower yourself to achieve more. I call it the Empowerment Process. Approach this process with an open mind and an expectation that your desires will come to fruition. The are absolutely no reasons for them not to materialize.
Find a quiet and relaxing place and time to conduct the following simple exercise to connect with your source.

1.       Accept the fact that you’re already in relationship with a higher power.

2.      Relax and visualize. This has a grounding effect through a connection with that which has come before us: earth, minerals, the wisdom of generations, energy. Begin to see yourself firmly “grounded” to the earth beneath your feet.

3.      Radiate: You are an abundant source of energy that radiates from within. Turn up the radiation dial of your energy. Watch as the aura that surrounds you increases its intensity. Bask in the warmth that radiates from your core. This is a precursor to the transitory state of aligning yourself with what you already are: energy.

4.      Transition: Close your eyes, tilt your head back slightly, and look up as if looking into your subconscious mind. Imagine an intense golden beam of light emanating from your body through your forehead, through the ceiling, through the clouds, the stars, and the edge of the universe where everything transitions from blue to black. You notice a speck of light in the distance and project yourself to it instantly. Welcome to the Source. This is the place of limitless possibilities; a place where you can create anything you desire. A place where “more” is automatically assumed and freely granted.

5.      Expression: Silently communicate to the Source. Say these words:
“I don’t know how I’m going to achieve more, I only know I will, and I am grateful.”
As you say these words focus on the very reason you are here. Is it poor health, insufficiency, failing relationships, the need for inspiration? Let go of the burden and allow the solution to find its way to you. It is here where you’ll find it.
6.      Expand: You are in the presence of the Source so why not spend a moment to allow your mind to enjoy the experience. It’s as important to listen as much as it is to communicate. As you absorb the experience of this place, allow your mind to absorb the wisdom that exists here. Be perceptive to any insights or inspiration you may gather. It’s not unrealistic for your desires to begin to materialize even before you return to a fully conscious state of mind. Before you return, silently thank the Source.

7.      Gratitude: Begin to relax your eyes and return your eyes and head to a more natural and comfortable position as you unwind and allow the energy of your experience to find its way into every fiber of your being, every part of your physical, emotional, and intellectual body. Watch with a confident smile as your old limiting beliefs recede to make room for your new empowering insights, thoughts, and inspiration. Become aware of your physical body once again, and when you’re ready, open your eyes once again.
After following these simple but powerful steps you should know with confidence that you have downloaded new programming into your mind. Unlike affirmations, you won’t need to repeat your command because it is now part of you. Pretty cool, huh? Your only responsibility at this point is to know that you are positioned to receive.
Should any doubts emerge, meet them in the moment by declaring an opposing statement that supports your desires. Your doubts and uncertainties will fade as you begin to see the power of this process. In fact, the experience of the empowerment process is typically more joyous than the results it brings. You’ll want to repeat the process often as it is, after all, who we truly are.  
Until next time!

- G -

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