Friday, March 2, 2012


Dreams, Vision, Introspection...and Courage! 

Ask anyone who has achieved a level of success and they will tell you they had the courage to follow their convictions and were not afraid to be different.  Success, by most measures, is typically identified as something that's fairly difficult to come by or unique in some form or fashion.  As vague as the definition may be, one thing is certain - most of us clearly recognize success when we see it. 

Got a goal?  Are you in pursuit of success?  Demonstrate the courage to be different! 

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When you follow your convictions, people notice.  When people notice, your path becomes better defined and begins to take shape.  As that happens, the seeds of your vision take hold and become rooted in those very convictions.  The decision to take the first step demonstrates your courage and is driven by the belief you have in yourself, your ideas, and your motivations.  The result is a personal transformation, manifested by the courage to follow through and pursue your dreams. 

One of my dreams is to be a published writer.  I spent nearly three years writing my first manuscript.  In order to accomplish that, I had to have the courage to be different.  I had to become personally different if I were to have any hope of finishing my novel.  Writing had to become the priority around which the rest of my life revolved.  The decision to write was the easy part.  The follow-through would challenge me from time-to-time.  But my convictions and beliefs provided the impetus to push past temporary distractions in order to complete my goal of finishing the novel.  My rewards lie just beneath the surface of self-discovery and were beyond even what I could have ever imagined them to be. 

I experienced personal growth the moment I began writing that continued to expand my imagination with each session.   I discovered that I had an ability to see things through the eyes of my characters and to effectively articulate the essence of an ensuing novel.  Details sprang forth as I feverishly typed them onto the page.  I witnessed story lines unfolding before me in settings I had never before seen or imagined.  Writing became a personally-satisfying, almost spiritual experience for me.  I had, in essence, become a writer! 

I began to truly discover writing when encouraged to do so by my fiance.  I spoke to her often about my dreams.  I tend to dream lucidly and reportedly seemed to have a lot to “say” while sleeping.  Those dreams became the basis and served as a beginning to what has become a passion for me to principally write about.  With her support, encouragement, and understanding, I embarked on a journey that took all of the elements of passion, desire, creativity, organization, and the willingness to be different to determine if I had what it takes to be a writer. 

They say if you want to be a writer, then you have to write!  Sounds simple enough to apply to most anything I can imagine, really.  If you want to be an artist, then you should probably pick a paintbrush or pencil.  Want to be a musician?  Pick up an instrument…you see the parallel, I’m sure.  My point here is that, if you have a desire to do something new, refreshing, different, unique…then have the courage to acknowledge it and be ready to demonstrate the courage it takes to drive through the obstacles and distractions that will inevitably find their way into the path of your goal.  The alternative is to do nothing but resolve to observe the success of others. 

What lies just beneath the surface of your self-discovery?  For me, it was an unknown passion for creative writing.  For you it could be much, much more.  Open the window of your mind and take a look at the true desires of your heart.  Don’t be too quick to discount things that cross the thought paths because they can provide important insight on something you may not have thought about before.  

Be ready to demonstrate the courage it’ll take to place your desires above what used to be “ordinary life.”  I can assure you, your courage will pay huge dividends and result in a life far from ordinary!  Instead, get ready for extraordinary! 

Until next time...

- G -

Courage...feel the fear and do it anyway!

Courage is the not the absence of fear, but the presence of action in the face of fear!

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