Saturday, March 17, 2012


"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.  If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."   
- Albert Einstein - 

Imagination leads to insight, which leads to introspection, which leads to discovery, which leads to change!  Real change takes place when we allow ourselves the liberty to put aside bias and preconceived notions long enough to be fascinated with what our innermost selves are telling us.
I’ve said it time and again…Don’t be so judgmental about the things your mind, or your imagination, is trying to reveal to you.  Doing so only prevents us from realizing the truest potential for happiness and fulfillment we can expect to discover in this life. 

One of the most difficult things to do is withhold judgment and yield to the variety of possibilities and discovery that lie within.  Most of us are programmed to be skeptical, judgmental and cautious early on.  Oftentimes, our cognitive filters prevent us from accepting the raw information provided by our imagination.  We selectively accept or deny information based on learned perception.  In other words, if it makes sense, we retain it.  If it doesn’t, we’re quick to write it off as “unrealistic” or unobtainable.  The result is a tragic disruption of the natural flow of ideas, imagination and insight that point directly toward the full experience we expect from life.  Don’t allow it to happen!  Instead, listen to the sounds, grab the images, and feel the richness that is literally already a part of you! 

If you have difficulty connecting with your seemingly elusive insight, you’re not alone.  It may take some time to recognize the creative activity.  But when it happens, you’ll know it…and your world will come alive as it did when you were a child listening to fairytales and stories.  You’ll begin to see things in their raw form and will be fascinated by the simplicity of it all.

Look closely at the wonder and amazement of a child as they process the sheer amount of information and sensory input of life.  You can tell the young ones anything!  When you do, their imagination comes alive and conjures images and limitless possibilities.  We tend to lose that as an adult.  We become jaded, skeptical, and realistic…what’s that about anyway?  What exactly is “real?”  I’m here to tell you that “real” is anything we decide to make it.  Are your dreams real?  If they’re not real yet, then begin to imagine them to be! 

In one of my earlier blogs, I wrote about the law of attraction and how a simple mindset change can begin to bring new things to us.  Allow your imagination to show you things and begin to make them real in your life!  Once they reveal themselves to you, crystallize them in your mind.  Begin to feel the passion that excites you about what you see.  And focus on it with all you’ve got.  Call it into your life, believing that it’s your destiny to have it, to hold it, to experience it!  And don’t allow anyone to convince you that it’s unrealistic.

Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”  What is your mind telling you to believe?  What are the possibilities that abound that you’ve placed aside?  Refuse to accept it!  Pay close attention to the wonder of your imagination!  Can you imagine what life would be like without the many things that were once but a glimmer of an imaginative thought in someone’s mind?  Pick literally anything that is a convenience, a conveyance, or a contraption and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. 

Imagination in its most basic form comes from the storytellers.  J. K. Rowling immediately comes to mind because her story is so fascinating and profound.  Had she not thought of the Harry Potter series, we would never have such wonderful stories to share with each other, especially our children.  The stories themselves are a testament to the wild imagination she has and the manner in which she can tell it.  Had she not had the courage to yield to her imagination and call it forth and care for it and work for it, we would never have had the pleasure of knowing such possibilities could exist.  Such stories are inspirational and ignite an unending array of other inspiring aspects that perpetuate far beyond belief. 

Make time to dream, to be still, to listen to what your imagination tells you.  When a thought crosses in front of you that you would otherwise have discarded, ask, “what if” instead.  Your imagination will begin to unfold even more…just because you asked. 

Pay attention to the wonder of your vivid imagination!   

- G -

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