Thursday, April 12, 2012



I met an extraordinary man not too long ago who spoke with passion about the course his life is on.  I was attending a business dinner of about twenty people when I met him.  He sat across from me and greeted me with a warm smile and, while looking me in the eye, offered me a firm handshake and told me how he was pleased to finally meet me.  His energy preceded his contagious personality and piqued my curiosity as to just what it was about him that brought him so much joy. 

It didn’t take long before I became fully engrossed in listening to him as we engaged in substantive conversation.  The allure of his compassion and positive outlook struck an interesting balance as the rest of the dinner crowd seemed to fade to insignificance. 

I knew of Hank Baskett, Sr. about a year before I met him.  I have enjoyed a formal business relationship with his wife, Judy, for quite some time.  Hank and Judy are the parents of former NFL Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver, Hank Baskett, Jr.  Over the course of the past year, I learned of Hank’s bout with Stage IV cancer through Judy.  According to her, he has good days and bad days, as do most stricken with cancer.  I know this all too well, you see, because my daughter Hollie is also battling cancer. 

Speaking with Hank during dinner that evening was an experience I won’t soon forget.  He spoke with clarity, conviction, and compassion.  He told me how cancer has positively affected his life in a way that has enhanced his values, his faith, and his perspective.  Meeting with Hank that evening felt as if I had always known him. 

Hank and I have similar beliefs on many things.  One of the most significant beliefs we share is the concept of personal choice.  We both believe that our personal choices determine the trajectory of our lives and are largely determined by the attitude with which we fuel those choices.  We can choose to accept negativity and doubt or choose inaction instead of action – all of which decay our ability to live healthy, productive lives.  Or we can instead, make choices that brings health, prosperity, opportunity and added value to our lives and to those around us. 

Hank’s story is inspiring, not because he has cancer, but because of the manner in which he has chosen to approach it.  He refuses to allow cancer to control him.  Instead, he controls it through faith, friends, and family as well as with the choices he makes to defeat it.  He tells me that the disease has helped to provide a fresh perspective on his life.  He values every moment he has and doesn’t hesitate to seize an opportunity to share joy, wisdom and positive anecdotes with virtually everyone he meets. 

The most profound statement Hank made to me during our discussion was that he thanked God for opening his eyes by “allowing him to carry the disease.”  Wow!  It took me by surprise at first and was actually quite overwhelming to conceive.  But being the deep thinker I tend to be, I eventually understood the essence of his statement.  Hank believes, as I do, that God never gets it wrong.  Instead of making a choice to be miserable and loathed with self-pity, Hank decided to spend some time listening to that still, quiet voice that resides in every one of us.   What he learned by doing so provided a clarity of introspection that has helped him touch lives like mine, my daughter, Hollie, and virtually everyone whom he comes into contact through his contagious sense of joyful purpose and determination. 

I’ve mentioned this in previous writings but it bears mentioning again.  The position we occupy in life is largely determined by the choices we make that bring us to where we are.  If you’re happy with where you are, then keep making the kinds of choices that perpetuates your happiness.  If, on the other hand, you’re not completely satisfied with your position or your course, you have only to make different choices or decisions and your circumstances will change. 

What is that still, quiet voice telling you?  Do you feel your life is on the correct path?  How do you handle adversity?  Do your choices add value to your life and to those around you?  Are you an inspiration to someone?  Your answers will have a profound impact on the course of your life and what is attracted to you as a result.  We can choose to accept things the way they are as “our lot” or we can choose change! 

As dinner wrapped up that evening, I suddenly realized the true impact of Hank’s charisma and genuine nature as I recall not being very judicious about spending any time with the other guests.  Most everyone understood however, as they too had previously enjoyed the pleasure of Hank’s company. 

I think we can all take a lesson from Hank and choose to live every day to its fullest, despite our current circumstances.  I choose to continue making adjustments to become better in every conceivable way.  I continue to embrace enthusiasm, education, humility, and consistency.  I will also embrace people like Hank Baskett and the wisdom he imparts that stirs the soul to action through sound decision-making and a joyful approach to life!  

- G -

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