Saturday, April 28, 2012



What a fitting word to start with for today’s segment.  It’s actually the first word that dropped into my head.  Yet, I struggle with what follows as I try to establish some kind of momentum with just where the heck this will take us.  I have a feeling I’m going to be one of the recipients of my own lesson this week as I watch the words appear before me.  And that’s okay because it’s times like this that by yielding to my instincts I typically enjoy plausible and effective results.

One of the earliest lessons I learned (and apparently am still learning) is, that in order to establish any kind of momentum, we must begin by taking the first step.  The act of starting or taking that first step can be the most difficult to make.  But as I’m beginning to learn, in doing so, momentum is immediately established and clarity reveals itself.  Notice I didn’t say “speed” is immediately established, but momentum! 

Once momentum is established, direction and processes become clearer.  We begin to see things develop as we become familiar with the terrain of our progress appearing before us.  We become involved and begin to realize the idea, initiative, or objective we seek and we begin to see it take shape.  What an awesome feeling that can be!  There will still be inevitable pauses and processes along the way that allow us to reflect and, more often than not, provide the introspection we truly need to recharge – think of it more as an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments or course corrections.  And don’t be discouraged by the pauses because they provide clarity and can often serve to enhance the conviction by which you started the initiative and the drive it takes to continue the momentum.  It certainly beats the alternative of refusing to begin in the first place! 

Momentum requires care and feeding.  There is typically no auto pilot associated with momentum.  You remain in complete control of your own momentum as long as you remain engaged in the process.  And that process can be quite exhilarating once a consistent state of momentum is established.  And once you’ve mastered how to control momentum there’s just nothing like it!

Looking back on the momentum of this article I can see, in hindsight, just how quickly my own momentum was established by taking action by trusting my instincts and striking the first few keys.  And so it goes with most things in life. 

The value and relevancy of this article has become clearer to me.  I’ve made some adjustments but, for the most part, it’s become easier to shape the more I immerse myself into the process and settle in to the momentum. 

I begin with the knowledge that, in order to move forward, it is up to me to make the first move.  Once I demonstrate the courage to make the first move I begin discerning motion and direction and can easily make adjustments as ideas, obstacles, and the path ahead is revealed to me.  I can honestly tell you this – if you’re looking for answers or changes in your life, those answers or changes will not come until you demonstrate the courage and conviction that trigger them.  In other words, you need to take action and BEGIN! 

There’s a pace that’s been established as I’ve been blasting through the words trying to catch up with the ideas flowing in my mind today.  I liken it to a skier who has settled into the rhythm of an awesome downhill run.  The skier cannot always see the finish line when they begin.  But they know they’ll never get there if they don’t make that first push from the top and begin the journey.  They do have a clear objective in mind that drives them to “pull the trigger” and demonstrate the courage it takes for the process to begin.  Make no mistake, it is a process.  I say that because you should be encouraged to know that once you begin the process of momentum, things will be revealed to you that will get you to your desired outcome or objective! 

What answers are you looking for?  Where is it that you desire to go?  Are you ready to take the first step and create the momentum that’ll reveal the path to get there? 

I’m truly interested in knowing if any of this makes sense to you or serves you as well as it has me.  Take the time to drop me a note or leave a comment.  Your comments help me as much as I hope mine help you. 

Take the first step and establish your own momentum today!

- G -

"The speed and pace of your momentum is largely determined by your willingness to act on the clues that reveal themselves along the way."  - G. Westfal - 

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