Friday, May 11, 2012

Be Yourself

Be yourself!  No regrets…

We’re often told that in order to achieve any level of success, we should follow proven formulas and logically established patterns.  Our dreams and aspirations are judged and categorized according to perceptions by those who are all-too-ready to offer advice, albeit with the best of intentions.  Typically, this advice comes from those closest to us – our parents, family, and friends.  So it goes that we’re often told how to be just like someone else in order to become an individual success.  Yet, rarely, if ever, do we hear the wise counsel of advice to just be ourselves, be different, or unique.   

I’m all for modeling when it comes to success.  After all, why re-invent the wheel or create a new process to pursuing success when proven paths already exist?  After all, the traditional routes will work and provide expected rewards.  And if that’s your desire, by all means, take the path and enjoy the journey!  That said however, there is some merit in being true to ourselves, setting aside fears, and embarking on a path of creativity, imagination and innovation.  There’s so much more satisfaction potential in that route…if you have the fortitude.  If you desire to experience a satisfaction and fulfillment few truly enjoy, reach deep and look for the true essence of your calling.  Trust me; you’ll know it when you discover it. 

Those who have discovered and acted upon their true calling or deep desires, understand it comes with an inherent personal responsibility.  Like most other things we’ve discussed in this forum, decisions must be made unilaterally with a complete understanding that no one else will care and feed for your passions like you will!  Therefore, once you make the discovery, it's incumbent upon YOU to nurture and guard your dreams and aspirations with everything you’ve got in order to see it to fruition.  As you most likely already know however, discouragement lurks around every corner and among every gesture of “good advice” to take the easy way out and follow the crowd.  After all, being different takes work, determination...fortitude.  The best way to defend yourself?

Be true to yourself.  Discover yourself.  Know yourself! 

In one of the college courses I teach, we speak about the elements of effective decision-making.  I use it to teach a decision-making process from a business perspective.  One of the best models I’ve discovered is the “OODA” Loop.  This model, originally designed by USAF Colonel John Boyd, serves as a benchmark concept originally applied to the combat operations process.  But it is a useful tool across a much wider spectrum and can be applied here as a self-analysis tool as well.  See if you can apply it as you think of how to identify and evaluate your circumstances with respect to your calling.

        •  Observe
        •  Orient
        •  Decide
        •  Act

Observe – One of the most basic, yet difficult, aspects of this process is to be still long enough to gather enough information about ourselves to be useful.  Oftentimes this requires us to quiet our minds, conduct an honest assessment of our situation, circumstances, surroundings and self-reliance capacity in order to form an overall realistic plan to achieve a desired outcome.  I mention self-reliance because this is all about your capacity and willingness to fulfill all of the steps in order to reach your goal and enjoy the fruits of your passion once you discover your innermost desires. 

A word of caution is in order here – be careful to discern the difference between a realistic discovery and fantasy.  This can sometimes be difficult to accomplish given the original blueprint of your “programming.”  Are you programmed for success?  If so, your mind will “show” you things quite easily and you'll tend to choose wisely.  If you’re not, you’re likely to be discouraged and easily give up when things get tough or obstacles present themselves.  Don’t worry though – most of us can be reprogrammed.  I’m living proof of that. 

Orient – Okay, so you think you have a pretty good idea of your circumstances, obstacles, and willingness to follow through.  Cool!  Now it’s time to orient yourself. 

A word-picture exercise may be in order here.  Draw a circle in the center of a blank page.  Put your name in the circle.  Now, choose a label that best describes your passion and place it right under your name.  I used “writer” for my label.  Yours may be actor, engineer, business owner, father, mother, volunteer, philanthropist, doctor, etc. 

Place all of the elements you require to reach your passions or calling in random circles outside your name.  Those that are easiest to reach or achieve should be placed closest.  Those that are more elusive should be placed a bit further away.  The same must be done with your known circumstances, distractions or obstacles.  Words that are appropriate for these circles are things like geography (long distance), money/funding, time, market, self-doubt, etc.  

Decide – Once you’ve oriented yourself and have collected the elements and obstacles of your circumstances, it’s time to decide on a plan of action.  This step is sometimes referred to as the roadmap step.  With any good plan we must first determine our current position (our circumstances or status) followed closely with an analysis of the obstacles we're likely to face along the way, and a clear plan to avoid or deal with those obstacles.  We must also ensure we have the necessary fuel it’ll take to drive on toward our destination (drive, motivation, fortitude, etc.). 

Act –Without action, a plan remains just that - a plan – good intentions in a dormant state.  This step of action is perhaps one of the most important and pivotal among all the elements.  Although action by itself will not guarantee success, without it, results will never materialize. 

One important element bearing inclusion with the action step is follow-through!  Make sure to stay on top of your game and be consistent in looking after your plan.  Educate yourself, defend your goal or objective, and feed your desire in order to maintain your momentum.  It's so easy to disrupt the flow of action...especially in the beginning.  Stay consistent and follow-through and you will realize your goal! 

Dare to be different…dare to be unique…dare to be yourself!  Doing so brings out the very best and stirs an emotion from deep within ourselves that is such an awesome experience!  It’s not about money.  It’s not about fame.  It’s something much more substantive.  It’s truly about recognizing our calling or desire and knowing we have the courage to act on a dream or an inspiration that will bring true happiness and fulfillment to the human spirit!  I encourage you to experience it.  You won't regret it.  

Until next time...

 - G -

"To be true to one's self is the essence of true happiness."  - G. Westfal - 

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