We create our own reality by the choices we make. If you think about it, the manner in which we act or react to literally anything and everything sets the perspective on how we see life. The power of choice is one of the most extraordinary tools we have at our disposal to literally change the course of our lives. Want people to respect you? Then choose to be respectful. Want to realize a dream or goal? Then make a choice to create that goal and chart a course. Don't wait. Make a decision right now to use the power of choice to create certainty in your life. But don't stop there. Now you must act!
Certainty Reveals a New Direction
Your action is the catalyst that allows you to escape circumstance through the immense power of your ability to choose a new direction. If you find yourself in a state of unhappiness for whatever reason, you must first understand that you have the power to change it. Only you can decide when you've had enough of your current circumstances. Only you can redefine the kind of life you desire. And only you can decide to do something about it. No one else can change your circumstances without your permission. You create your own certainty!
Want to be the top producer in your company? Create your certainty by making a conscious decision to be just that. Your power of choice creates opportunities. Take advantage of the opportunities. Emulate others who are successful. Do what they do. And be persistent. Follow through with a plan and act on it. Don't like your job...your relationship...your finances? Look beyond your circumstances by creating a vision of the conditions you desire. Then...create your certainty!
Tap Into Your Ability to Visualize
Your ability to visualize is a powerful force that brings about change. Think about the last time you really thought about something that excited you. My bet is that it changed your entire state of being. Your ability to visualize increases confidence, sharpens your creative acuity, and enhances your ability to see opportunities instead of obstacles. Make a conscious declaration using the powerful images of your vision that right now is when you will begin to realize your dreams.
Be Decisive!
Remember, life doesn't happen "to" us—it happens "for" us. The point is that we get a vote on how it happens "for" us. Don't get in your own way. Get out of your head as soon as possible and get into a state of being that supports your dreams, desires, and aspirations. Your state—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—is something you will begin to experience changes in once you consciously decide to enact change.
Be decisive and don't stray...no matter what. Don't allow fear to get between you and your ability to decide. Make that decision! Whether it is right or wrong you will find out faster than if you avoid making a decision altogether. You can always make adjustments once your plan is under way.
Life is about the experience of the journey and the moments we create along the way. The content and quality of the experiences are largely determined by the certainty we create and the rituals we keep. Are your rituals supporting your dreams, goals, and aspirations? If not, perhaps it's time to do something about it.
Until next time...
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
~ G. Westfal
We're proud to announce Gary's next book, set to be released this summer. FEAR is a Thief is the first in a self-empowerment series that is written to help people get past fear using five fundamental truths as a basis for understanding and taking action for a better life. Also be sure to check out: KEY HORIZON, the second novel in the G. Weston spy series. This thriller is receiving rave reviews across the spectrum and has captivated a new following of "spy-fi" readers.
Get your copy of Westfal's first novel Dream Operative.
Order your copy of these exciting novels today at Amazon.com.
For a comprehensive perspective on the diversity of Gary Westfal, please visit his website (www.gwestfal.com).
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