Monday, December 24, 2012

The Shape of Our Future

Who will shape our future?  Who will dream a wild thought that will transform all of our lives?  Who will lead our next revolutions?  To better answer these questions, we must explore our innermost selves – that place where each and every one of us has an ability to imagine, create, and contribute.  That place is where dreams are born and reality emerges in the form of inspiration!

True inspiration ignites passions that are unstoppable.  Every one of us possesses the capacity to transform lives or processes in a manner that can be considered profound ─ whether on a grand scale or to a single process or life of an individual ─ and as a result, alter the very purpose of our own life in doing so. 

puzzle, peices, random, inspiring
            So, roll up your sleeves and take an honest assessment of the things you can do to make an impact.  What are your gifts?  What do you have in terms of natural ability that you can “lend” to the process?  Your action will put forces into play that’ll ultimately inspire others, even if it’s just one person.  Your action will have an impact!           

            The universal law of nature rewards the spirit of giving.  So give judiciously - not just when it’s convenient, but especially when it’s most needed.  Those on the receiving end of our generosity are affected in ways more broadly than any of us can imagine.  I’ve seen it, experienced it, and lived it from both sides.  The rewards are rich and life-changing.

            So how do we make an impact?  It’s often as simple as finding a need and filling it.  Are you artistic?  Then seek to share your talent and open the eyes of others through the medium of paint or music.  Do you write?  Then write passionately with inspiring words of encouragement to those who need it.  Do you have time to spare?  Volunteer.  Are you successful?  Then share your story with others on how they too can follow the principles of success.  Mentor a student.  All of these and so many more examples can be the catalyst that serves as the critical pivot point and makes the difference in someone’s life that leads to profound changes.  The changes can save a life, a community, or even the world – it’s not unrealistic to envision if you open the aperture of your mind and admit to the plausibility.  In the absence of immediate ideas, simply offer a compliment or a gesture of encouragement to someone.  Make it anonymous if you can – a note or a small gift can make a profound difference and lead to positive change for someone in need. 

            What an honor it is to be part of the process that ignites the dream of another.  You don’t have to be a psychologist or counselor.  You don’t even have to have the right words.  You just have to be sincere.  Your sincerity will convey - even without words.

            So, open your eyes and watch for the opportunities to reveal themselves.  Then step forward and witness the change in two lives – theirs…and yours!

Until next time!

- G -

 “The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.”            - William James –

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