Saturday, January 5, 2013

Don't Give Up

Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams...

Listen to any child under the age of ten and you’ll hear the unbridled imagination of their dreams expressed in virtually every word and action. No dream is too big. No obstacles exist. Anything is achievable. They’re living proof that we’re naturally programmed to dream, to create, and to become.
As adults, we encourage our children to dream, knowing all too well that reality will one day present itself, along with its close allies; obstacles, negativity, and discouragement. Soon, we convince our children that they must accept reality because, after all, resistance is futile.
Since when did such advice become commonplace among the wiser, more experienced counsel of our adult population? Instead of explaining reality to our children, perhaps they would be better served by an explanation that dreams require determination, passion, action, consistency, commitment and follow-through. Could it be that our adult population has succumbed to an acceptance of a reality of their own they know all too well? Don’t be that adult!
Far too many adults have accepted a pre-defined concept of reality they inevitably (and unwittingly) pass along to our young dreamers - all in a genuine attempt to “help” them avoid the perils of disappointment, discouragement, and despair. They shudder at the very thought of a young dreamer running the risk of failure. Unfortunately, the well-intentioned assistance does little to foster imagination, the values of risk, personal enrichment, and abundance.
Imagine the staggering societal change if we were to provide encouragement, education, and empowerment as the forces of reality begin to reveal themselves in the lives of our young dreamers. I believe we’d see a transformative change take place that would not only affect their young lives, but ours as well.
What about you? Have you given in to the intimidation of reality or do your dreams and aspirations still have life? Know this – reality is what you make it. Sure, there will be obstacles, setbacks, and circumstances. But obstacles can be circumnavigated, setbacks can be overcome, and circumstances are never stagnant.
It’s amazing how many people are wrapped up in the reality (and drama) proliferating our society through virtually every conceivable medium – especially TV. Most people can tell you more about the sordid details of someone else’s reality than they can about their own. Instead of watching the (perceived) reality of someone else, why not use that precious time to create your own reality? Because, as mentioned earlier, reality is what you make it.
Truth is – and this will not be sugar-coated – the only thing standing between you and the realization of your dreams is YOU! You have the power to take a stand and make a choice to change the course of your life - to pick up a new direction that takes you toward your dreams and aspirations. It’s never too late.   
Look, it’s a new year. Why not make a new declaration that supports the fulfillment of your dreams? By the way, don’t call it a “resolution.” The term is worn out and has become synonymous with an expectation of failure instead of victory. A declaration, on the other hand, sends a message! It sends a message, not only to the world, but to YOU as well. A declaration calls forth a state of being, as if it has already happened.  Here’s a secret – your subconscious doesn’t know the difference. So, begin to see yourself as already having achieved your dreams. At the very least, convince yourself that you deserve the reality of your dreams. Some amazing things will begin to take shape in your life. One of the first things you’ll notice is a renewed sense of expectation and unexplained excitement. Be quick to capitalize on your excitement because it’s the very essence of what will drive you to your dreams and aspirations. Your enthusiasm will begin to reveal things to you that you may have otherwise missed altogether. This is the rebirth of your dreams! Grab it and don’t let anyone or anything ever stand in the way.
Don’t ever give up on your dreams.

Until next time!

- G -

“Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams.”   Robert K. Greenleaf –


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  1. Gary,

    As usual - great writing and timely topic. I do need a little help, however. How do we adults have optimism when we have a wanna-be-dictator in the White House? I want to be positive - it's getting hard. And, now, Boehner is his prison bitch.

    S/F, Rod

    PS I don't know what the profiles are for, so I picked Anonymous.

  2. Rod,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    As I mention in the article, "circumstances are never stagnant." This simply means that "things change." They always change. Whether they change for the better or how they change is ultimately up to us to determine. Currently, there are not enough people who desire a leadership change in our country. I truly believe we will see this tide shift as our country and its policies drift away from the ideals we have historically embodied and valued. Americans have a high pain tolerance. But once that tolerance limit is tested, I'm confident we will act collectively to produce yet another change.


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