Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happiness is the Key!

One of the most common traits I see among successful people is a foundation of genuine joy. Oh sure, they’re happy because they’re successful, right? Wrong! They’re successful because they’re happy.

Most people find success by doing something they enjoy. They operate in the lane of their purpose. We all have a purpose in life. Some of us have discovered it while others have yet to do so. Fulfillment of one’s purpose brings true joy to those fortunate enough to have enjoyed the price of success. Notice I didn’t say “paid” the price, because success is a journey that should be enjoyed.  

Life was meant to be enjoyed, savored, and cherished. Laughter itself is contagious and is known to have inherent healing power and mood altering effects. Try it yourself. Next time you’re not feeling so well or find yourself in a less than desirable mood, find a private restroom with a mirror, lock the door behind you and make silly faces in the mirror. I guarantee you’ll laugh. At the very least, you’ll smile at just how ridiculous you look as you attempt to make yourself laugh. You may in fact be thinking at this very moment how ridiculous (and funny) that could actually be. Hopefully the thought of it made you smile. And test me on this – see if you don’t experience a noticeable change in your overall well-being because of it.

 Laughter begets laughter. When you’re around someone who is a joy to be around, you cannot help but smile and feel better. When you’re around laughter, you tend to be drawn to the energy perpetuated by that joy. I know that all too well because I’m married to one of the most genuinely joyous persons I have ever met.

Wanna be successful and make more money? Sounds kind of like a cliché, but if you find joy, you’ll find success. If you haven’t already discovered it, look for your purpose and begin to find things that support that purpose and you’ll begin to discover a newfound joy. Who knows, you may even discover a new career or lifestyle that makes you happier than you ever thought possible.  

True joy produces an attraction energy that brings with it the seeds of opportunity, clarity, peace, and more joy. People resonate with those who are truly happy. They tend to want to be around those who are joyous.

So smile…better yet, smile big enough to make someone else smile!
Until next time!

- G -

"Find your purpose and you'll discover true joy."
-G Westfal
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  1. Love this! So true! I will try the bathroom mirror thing! Lol=)

    1. When I first discovered this simple exercise I couldn't help but laugh out loud. The laughter changed my entire day. And I think it will work for you as well.


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