Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Avoid Wealth: 3 Things You're Doing Wrong

The world we live in is more competitive today than in any other time of our lives. There is no traditional route to success. This is good news for anyone with the vision, drive, motivation, and tenacity to seize an opportunity to create their own path to success. For everyone else, it seems that no matter what they do, they just can’t break free from the very lifestyle they despise. Why is that?

Here are three things keeping people from breaking out of the cycle of financial misery they’re in. A change in any one of these things leads to an understanding of the overarching difference-maker between those that have and those that don’t. A change in all of them leads to an escape of the perpetual cycle of insufficiency and misery in which you may currently find yourself.

By the way, if any of the following factors resonate and you get your feelings hurt, then you may want to pause and look in the mirror before you scoff and run away with your emotions. If, on the other hand, you acknowledge and own up to any that apply, you’ll have found yourself at the threshold of insight that can have a profoundly awesome effect on your life.

The Blame Game

The old adage, “Lame people blame people” applies here. These people use excuses (cleverly disguised as reasons) to justify their current circumstances. In reality, this is a protection mechanism designed for procrastinators. Blamers always use external factors to justify an internal condition.

To overcome this factor, become more aware of the statements that are coming out of your mouth. “I don’t have the time, money, expertise, or the support I need.” “I’ll never be wealthy.” “I’m not good with money.” “Oh sure, it’s easy for them. They have money.” Statements like these have no value in creating wealth and only serve to keep you stuck right where you are. Instead of blaming everyone or everything else, take a look at what you can do to change your circumstances.

The Fear Factor

Fear holds more people hostage than most any other factor. Whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of making a mistake, or fear itself, there are more people who consciously choose to stay exactly where they are because they fear the unknown more than they fear what they have become familiar with — lack, insufficiency, and financial struggle. The fear factor is a protection mechanism that must be overcome in order to break out and begin the wealth-building process.

Fearful people routinely use phrases that begin with “What if…” and then support it with a negative word or phrase.

What if I fail?
What if lose?
What if it doesn’t work?
What if my friends (or family) don’t like me?
What if I make a mistake?

To overcome this factor, start small. Start by changing the way you think. Instead of supporting your “What if…” with a negative word or phrase, think instead of a positive word or phrase that empowers you to overcome your fearful thinking.

What if this is possible?
What if this really works?
What if I make new friends?
What if I win?

The difference between a negative and positive frame of reference is mind-altering.

The Excuses Ego

This one is fairly straight forward. You can make money, or you can make excuses, but you cannot make both. An excuse is nothing more than a lie you have convinced yourself to accept as truth. So, stop lying to yourself.

You can come up with several excuses to remain in your miserable financial circumstances or…you can come up with one powerfully compelling reason to escape them. By the way, circumstances are always temporary. You have the power to accept them as your fate or accept them as your teacher. Any way you slice it, you’re going to accept one.
To escape the excuses trap, accept responsibility for both your current circumstances and the circumstances you aspire to. Then take action to make the change.

A State of Mind

Each one of the three factors above point to one overarching factor — your state of mind. You see, while there are a number of actions you can take to become wealthy (save more than you spend, invest, cut costs, etc.), none of them will work if you don’t start with the right state of mind. It’s the reason why 70% of lottery winners end up worse off than they were before collecting their winnings. It’s the reason most businesses fail within the first three years. And it’s the reason you are still stuck in the very place you despise.

Change always begins with a mindset shift. It is not always comfortable or popular or easy, but it always produces change. Ready to make a shift but don’t know where or how to begin? Reach out to me in the comments section to start the discussion.

Until next time...

- G -

"Your income zone will never exceed your comfort zone." 


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